Covid-19 Coronavirus Emergency Response Online Tax Preparation Continuity

Our hearts go out to the many people and businesses that have been impacted by the COVID-19 virus. As the outbreak expands, many businesses worldwide are experiencing uncertainty. We see it as our duty, during this difficult time, to promote health and safety among the community at large.

Our goal is to provide our best in class communication and collaboration solutions for our tax clients and mobile workers and organizations who are working globally and tirelessly to bring an end to this crisis.

Now more than ever, the use of powerful remote work tools like MKG Tax Consultants client portal become not just a matter of preference, but a matter of safety.

Watch for symptom

The following symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure.*

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath

Symptoms CDC

Our platform allows employees to work from anywhere, anytime, on any device in order to get work done and keep our clients safe and taxes moving forward – even in the event of a crisis. We want to reassure you of MKG Tax Consultants service resilience during this time.

Contact us to discuss your tax matter’s

MKG Tax Consultants

4021 N Fresno Street Suite 107

Fresno, CA 93726

(559) 412-7248 Toll-Free 866-675-3933

SMS Text (559) 588-4340

email: [email protected]

City of Fresno Coronavirus Emergency Order

People will be allowed to leave their homes for these purposes:

To engage in outdoor activity provided they comply with social distancing requirements of at least six feet between people outside of the same family.

To perform any of the activities deemed essentialTo engage in activities or tasks essential to their health and safety or their family members’ health and safety

To obtain necessary services or supplies like groceries or household necessities

To care for a family member or pet in another householdTo obtain health care services
City leaders emphasized that there’s no problem with water services. Nobody will lose water, even for non-payment. The same is true for power. PG&E has pledged not to disconnect anyone’s power.

They’re relying on voluntary compliance for now, but say businesses could lose licenses for breaking what is now a city ordinance.

Police involvement is under consideration, but they’re hoping it’s unnecessary.

Some of the businesses deemed essential include:

Health care operations and essential infrastructure

Grocery stores, certified farmers’ markets, farm and produce stands, food banks, convenience stores, and other establishments selling canned food, dry goods, produce, fresh meat and poultry, etc.

Food cultivation, including farming, livestock, and fishing

Businesses providing food, shelter, and social services

Newspapers, television, radio, and other media services

Gas stations, auto supply, and auto repair

Banks and related financial institutions

Hardware stores

Plumbers, electricians, exterminators, and other providers of safety and sanitation for homes and businesses

Mailing and shipping services, including P.O. boxes

Educations institutions, provided they account for social distancing of at least six feet to the greatest extent possible

Laundromats, dry cleaners, and laundry service providers

Restaurants and other facilities preparing and serving food, but only for takeout and delivery

Businesses supplying products to people who work from home

Businesses supplying other essential businesses with support or supplies necessary to operate

Businesses that ship or deliver groceries, food, goods or services directly to homes

Airlines, taxis, and other private transportation providers for essential activities

Home-based care for seniors, adults, or children

Residential facilities and shelters for seniors, adults, and children

Professional services — like legal or accounting — when necessary to assist in compliance with legally mandated activities

Childcare facilities providing services for essential function employees, but they must do it in stable groups of 10 or fewer, children can’t change from one group to another, if there’s more than one group in a facility, they can’t mix, and the same providers must stay with the same children

Contact us to discuss your tax matter’s

MKG Tax Consultants

4021 N Fresno Street Suite 107

Fresno, CA 93726

(559) 412-7248 Toll-Free 866-675-3933

SMS Text (559) 588-4340

email: [email protected]

Regulation D Crowdfunding Raise up to $5 million in any 12–month period to an unlimited number of “accredited investors”

Have a project in need of funding? To set up an account is absolutely free. We do not charge to review your account.



MKG does not provide legal advice and does not effect securities transactions, give investment advice or recommend any securities as it is not registered as a broker-dealer, Reg CF funding portal or investment adviser with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission or the securities regulatory commission, agency or body of any state of the United States or any non-U.S. jurisdiction


However, there is a small 6% site fee that will automatically be deducted from your crowdfund earnings. Additionally, credit card processing fees will range from 3%-5%.

Raise up to $5 million in any 12month period to an unlimited number of “accredited investors” and up to 35 “unaccredited investors.”

Our Crowdfunding CFO  Startup plan is a great option for a startup raising capital the first time, or a smaller business who just needs their bookkeeping managed for them. The Complete Package is for the mature business who is taking things to the next level and ready to file for a Regulation D Offering 505,504,506,  Pre-IPO or Reg A+ Offering.

You don’t want to have to worry about this “accounting stuff” and you just want it done, so you can have the information you need at all times, to run your business properly. Here we will work with you to streamline systems, and develop your ecosystem with the right online apps and infrastructure. We are truly your back office partner. The CFO Plan adds our CFO service to our Complete Package service. In short, we’ll keep your books and run your cash flow projections for you. Then, we’ll meet with you remotely to review and plan. We lay out the yardsticks, so you can reach your milestones.

PPM Templates and Inline XBRL Preparer Filing Service are all inclusive for fixed rate $199 per month with 12 month commitment. Fee is waived if initial raise is greater then $40,000.

Regulation D: Everything You Need To Know


Electronic Code of Federal Regulations


  • Bookkeeping fee $4.95 per transaction minimum monthly service charge $25
  • Accounting software monthly fee Quickbooks $30 or Xero $30
  • Intelligent business payment platform Base price (month) $49.00
  • Users $15.00
  • Pay bills and/or Get paid BOTH
  • Cost per transaction
  • We mail your checks or invoices $1.49 each
  • Send or receive ACH payments $0.49 each
  • Receive credit card payments Merchant fees:
  • Level 3 rates available
  • Send intl FX wire payments $9.99 each
  • Send intl USD wire payments $9.99 each
  • Void a check $25.00 each
  • Void a returned check $3.00 each
  • We do your Payables data entry
    (optional) $1.99 each

Start raising Capital Today!

Create A funding Project

Invest in companies you believe in

Fresno Inline XBRL Preparer Filing Service | JOBS Act | Opportunity Zones Crowdfunding Soft-as-a-Service

Exter’s Golden Pyramid

Exter is known for creating Exter’s Pyramid (also known as Exter’s Golden Pyramid and Exter’s Inverted Pyramid) for visualizing the organization of asset classes in terms of risk and size. In Exter’s scheme, gold forms the small base of most reliable value, and asset classes on progressively higher levels are more risky.

The larger size of asset classes at higher levels is representative of the higher total worldwide notional value of those assets. While Exter’s original pyramid placed Third World debt at the top, today derivatives hold this dubious honor.

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